a new album from CORY LEGENDRE
the story of family, love & loss in an original album by singer-songwriter Cory Legendre in memory of his parents, Lois and Walt Legendre.
surprise single
Life's Not A Dead End Road
February 13th, 2024
first single
Dressed In Black
March 12th, 2024
for the anniversary of Dad's passing
second single
Live Life All The Way
April 19th, 2024
for Mom's first afterlife birthday



July 24th, 2024
for their first anniversary reunited again

Get your CD or Vinyl copies at The Cory Store & Bull Moose stores!

REUNITED Album Trailer
released on socials (7/24/24)
REUNITED Release Date Teaser
released on socials (1/26/24)
REUNITED announcement trailer
first seen on Sundays with Sin (12/24/23)